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Project Management


In the late 1990’s, Life Science R&D organizations set out to professionalize project management.  However, many of the principles of effective management have fallen by the wayside.  Over 25% of development projects alone fail due to improper planning, management and leadership.  Putting even a $25M development program at risk because of poor project management or leadership does not make good business sense.

3T3 aims to change that and help our clients “bring the right therapies to patients faster” through professional, flexible, and cost-effective project leadership, management and rescue.


3T3’s goal is to optimize time, talent and treasure for even the most complex life science development projects.  We provide value by embedding our industry veterans within your development team, applying a proven task-oriented approach to planning, and using the right tools for the job. In addition, our approach aims to build organizational trust in the leadership and management of the project, and ensure tenacity to deliver results.



  • Development plan is unrealistic and not convincing up to the next decision milestone or is neither “on track” nor task-and-outcome oriented

  • Go / No-Go decisions are not effectively made on the portfolio or executive team level thus wasting critical funds or decreasing product value

  • Struggling to meet timelines and stay within budget

  • Development team is not working as a cohesive unit and interaction with senior management or other decision-making bodies is ineffective

  • Data that underpins the plan is not trusted

  • Tools to support project management are ineffective

We apply our wealth of experience in leading, managing and rescuing development projects to help you develop realistic project plans, successfully manage and lead them, or enable a cost-effective turnaround.



  • A practical and success-oriented development plan with proven elements (e.g. Target Product Profile (TPP), Costs, Timeline, resource needs, risks) embedded in an effective decision-making framework

  • Goal-oriented, professional and adaptive project leadership and management with active support from all team members (internal and external) that effectively interacts with all decision-making bodies (R&D governance, functional leadership)

  • Ongoing risk management aligned with strategic corporate goals

  • Rapid current state analysis combined with realistic turnaround recommendations, taking into account corporate goals, skills, alignment within the matrix organization, and supporting (IT) tools



  • Health Check und Quick-Wins

    • Benefits - “Ready-to-implement” plan to improve performance of individual projects or the entire project management function based on an analysis of skills, processes and (IT) tools and individual project metrics (costs/budget, resources, timelines) and comparison to industry practices; initiation of quick wins

  • Interim Project Leadership and Management, Training

    • Benefits – Improvement of project results (cost, resources, timelines) and timely decision-making through the use of experienced leaders and managers that effectively facilitate and coach existing project teams

  • Project Management Implementation

    • Benefits – Improved project performance (costs, resource utilization, timelines) and faster decision-making through implementation of a new project management capability (structure, skills, processes and IT tools) and decision-making frameworks

  • Project Rescue

    • Benefits – Rapid improvement of project performance for projects with significant delays or budget overruns through a systematic root cause analysis (Health Check) and deployment of appropriate (interim) project leaders or manager that provide the right decision-making frameworks and team facilitation




Our experienced industry veterans are ready to help you “get the right therapy to patients faster”.  Our flexible approach is based on cost-effective, professional project management principles and decision-making frameworks and tools.  

3T3 provides impactful project leadership, management and rescue services through:

  • Industry veterans with many years of relevant experience as project leaders, managers or heads of project management departments

  • A network of experts – highly experienced, immediately effective and proven at every level - working in life science development teams as scientists, MDs, regulatory experts, etc.

  • Proven, adaptable methodology and templates to successfully plan and execute development projects, manage risks and work effectively with your team members

  • Support staff for cost effectiveness


Please contact us if you would like to learn more about our development project leadership, management and rescue services.  We would welcome the opportunity to outline our customized approach for your specific situation or needs.

3T3 Consulting LLC

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